Custom Brokerage Secure & Reliable

Customs clearance is a crucial part of shipping your cargo from Point A to Point B seamlessly across the world. All goods that cross a border must go through a customs clearance checkpoint – whether they’re being exported, imported, or even when your cargo is in transit. 

Each country has its regulations, documentation, and procedures when it comes to customs clearance. Customs House Brokerage or Customs Clearance is the service provided by specialists that know what rules apply, what documents to submit, and the different procedures to go through depending on the country where goods are being exported or imported.

Our Customs House Brokerage service can help you with the complexities of border controls and customs regulations for import and export cargo at both origin and destination.

Our expert licensed customs brokers stay up to date with the latest rules and regulations, so you don’t have to. Try for yourself and experience how import and export customs clearance can easily be added to your shipment during and even after placing your booking and let our experts guide you safely to shore.

The benefits of CHB with Daasomlogistics

There are many benefits to booking Custom Brokage with daasomlogistics – here are just some of them:

Personalized service

When booking with daasomlogistics, you’ll get a personalized customs clearance service, tailor-made to meet the needs of your business and cargo.

Valuable partnerships

To get your goods smoothly and quickly through customs clearance, we offer the best customs brokers’ expertise to simplify your customs.

Global network

Every daasomlogistics booking when providing peace of mind and access to a trusted global network of services. This also means access to over 300 ports in over 160 countries through our shipping logistics – so you can take your business from local to global.

Local expertise

When your business crosses borders, strong local alliances are essential. Our local daasomlogistics are always ready to help you.


We’ll help you make informed decisions based on relevant delivery terms and inland transportation – reducing delays in the supply chain and saving you money.